I absolutely LOVE my Beauty Blender sponge. It is amazing, and applies/blends foundation, concealer, and cream blush flawlessly. I've tried a couple of dupes for this before, but until you get your hands on the real version you don't know what you are missing!
I have been trying to figure out different ways of cleaning my sponge. Nothing seemed to get the stains out, until I purchased the best soap ever..."Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap." You can find this soap on the natural or organic soap isle at your grocery store. I purchased this soap because I heard so many great things about it, and I was out of body wash. I have been suffering from some terrible acne lately on my face and back. I have used this soap for four days now, and already see a difference on my back! Tonight I decided to try using this soap on my Beauty Blender sponge. Well let me say it did the trick!!!
I first ran my sponge under lukewarm water. Then applied the soap all over the sponge. I rubbed it together, and squeezed the remaining water out, and I could not believe how much makeup came out of it! The stains were almost gone as well. I cleansed it twice just to give a very deep clean. Best part is that the soap only cost me $6.99. Oh yeah! The Beauty Blender cleanser costs anywhere from $15-$20. I refuse to pay that when I can use my $6 soap! Score! :)
Sorry I didn't take a before picture. I was so excited to remove the stains I forgot! This is what my sponge looked like after the cleanse, almost brand new!